Burden of drug-susceptible tuberculosis in Indonesia
Iskandar, D., Suwantika, A.A., Pradipta, I.S., Postma, M.J. and van Boven, J.F., 2023. Clinical and economic burden of drug-susceptible tuberculosis in Indonesia: national trends 2017–19. The Lancet Global Health , 11 (1), pp.e117-e125. Globally, tuberculosis incidence is decreasing, but it remains high in Indonesia despite improvements in access to health services, funding, surveillance, diagnostics, situation analysis, and policy focus. Indonesia's national tuberculosis information system, Sistem Informasi Tuberkulosis (SITB), captures patient-level data, providing valuable real-world insights that can benefit the country’s evaluation and policymaking process. This real-world data offers detailed trends in actual cases and care, allowing for the assessment of potential efficacy–effectiveness gaps. Between 2017 and 2019, the annual number of notified cases of drug-susceptible tuberculosis in Indonesia gradually increased, and treatment success rates improved. Rapid molecular tes