Feasibility of achieving the 2025 WHO global tuberculosis targets in South Africa, China, and India

Houben, R.M., Menzies, N.A., Sumner, T., Huynh, G.H., Arinaminpathy, N., Goldhaber-Fiebert, J.D., Lin, H.H., Wu, C.Y., Mandal, S., Pandey, S. and Suen, S.C., 2016. Feasibility of achieving the 2025 WHO global tuberculosis targets in South Africa, China, and India: a combined analysis of 11 mathematical models. The Lancet Global Health, 4(11), pp.e806-e815.

  • Aggressive scaling of a single intervention is not enough to meet the post-2015 End TB Strategy targets globally.
  • In South Africa:
    • A combination of targeted interventions could substantially reduce tuberculosis:
      • Continuous isoniazid preventive therapy for individuals on antiretroviral therapy.
      • Expanded facility-based screening for tuberculosis symptoms at health centers.
      • Enhanced tuberculosis care.
    • Using these interventions, significant reductions in tuberculosis are feasible, and meeting the 2025 targets is possible.
  • For other high-burden countries like China and India, additional country-specific interventions are required:
    • In China, addressing latent tuberculosis in the elderly.
    • In India, combating undernutrition to help reach the global tuberculosis targets.


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