Thursday, November 28, 2024

Aspects of patients with pulmonary TB and dysglycemia [TB0128]

Diabetes mellitus (DM) increases the risk of developing active tuberculosis (TB) by 2–3 times and is associated with poorer TB treatment outcomes compared to non-DM TB patients. However, prospective studies on the role of dysglycemia (DM and pre-DM) in TB clinical presentation and treatment response, especially in high TB-burden countries, remain limited.

In a cohort of 140 patients diagnosed with pulmonary TB (PTB), the prevalence of dysglycemia at baseline (M0) was 61.4% (47.1% pre-DM, 14.3% DM). Among the 20 DM patients, 65.0% (13/20) had a prior diagnosis of type 2 DM. Patients with pre-DM and DM (PDMTB group) more frequently presented with cavitary disease on chest X-ray (CXR) (84.8%) compared to non-glycemic TB (NGTB, 63.0%) and DMTB (65.0%) groups. Bilateral lung lesions were more common in the DMTB group than in the NGTB group, with a higher mean number of lung thirds affected in the DMTB and PDMTB groups.

Compared to NGTB patients, those with dysglycemia exhibited a higher prevalence of cavities (80.2% vs. 63.0%) and bilateral lesions (67.4% vs. 46.0%) on CXR, as well as a greater median number of affected lung thirds (3 vs. 2). However, follow-up imaging (M2 and MEND) revealed no statistical differences in CXR findings among the groups. Sputum smear positivity was significantly higher in the PDMTB and DMTB groups (93.0%) than in the NGTB group (75.9%, p = 0.005), although Xpert MTB/RIF and M. tuberculosis culture results were similar across groups. Resistant M. tuberculosis strains were more prevalent in the NGTB (20.9%) and PDMTB (19.0%) groups compared to the DMTB group (10.0%).

Independent factors associated with dysglycemia among PTB patients included higher BMI, presence of cavities on CXR, and positive sputum smear microscopy.

Source: Bezerra, A.L., Moreira, A.D.S.R., Isidoro-Gonçalves, L., Lara, C.F.D.S., Amorim, G., Silva, E.C., Kritski, A.L. and Carvalho, A.C.C., 2022. Clinical, laboratory, and radiographic aspects of patients with pulmonary tuberculosis and dysglycemia and tuberculosis treatment outcomes. Jornal Brasileiro de Pneumologia, 48(06), p.e20210505.

Wednesday, November 27, 2024

Diabetes mellitus and latent tuberculosis infection

The incidence of diabetes mellitus is positively associated with latent tuberculosis infection. Cross-sectional studies indicate an increased odds of association. Diagnostic methods for LTBI, including TST and IGRA, show comparable results. Individuals from areas with a higher TB burden have a greater likelihood of association compared to those from areas with a lower TB burden.[1]

Individuals who do not initially clear Mycobacterium tuberculosis may develop latent tuberculosis infection (LTBI). Treatment for LTBI aims to prevent progression to active tuberculosis and is particularly recommended for high-risk groups in low TB-burden countries. These groups include people living with HIV, close contacts of pulmonary TB cases, patients undergoing anti-tumor necrosis factor treatments, dialysis patients, those awaiting organ or hematological transplants, and individuals with silicosis. The goal is to mitigate the risk of reactivation in these vulnerable populations.[2]

Research on the association between diabetes mellitus (DM) and LTBI presents mixed findings. A cohort study suggested a non-significant increase in LTBI risk among diabetics, while cross-sectional studies found a modest association, with a pooled odds ratio indicating limited benefit in targeting diabetics for LTBI screening. Socioeconomic factors, such as lower income and increased TB exposure through social networks, may amplify TB risk in individuals with diabetes, highlighting the complex interplay of shared risk factors between the two conditions.[2]


[1] Zhou, G., Guo, X., Cai, S., Zhang, Y., Zhou, Y., Long, R., Zhou, Y., Li, H., Chen, N. and Song, C., 2023. Diabetes mellitus and latent tuberculosis infection: an updated meta-analysis and systematic review. BMC Infectious Diseases, 23(1), p.770.

[2] Lee, M.R., Huang, Y.P., Kuo, Y.T., Luo, C.H., Shih, Y.J., Shu, C.C., Wang, J.Y., Ko, J.C., Yu, C.J. and Lin, H.H., 2017. Diabetes mellitus and latent tuberculosis infection: a systemic review and metaanalysis. Clinical Infectious Diseases, 64(6), pp.719-727.

Tuesday, November 26, 2024

Prediction Models for Active Pulmonary Tuberculosis

Rapid treatment of tuberculosis (TB) remains challenging in settings with limited access to on-site diagnostic tools, such as microbiological testing, radiography, or specialized staff. In such environments, empirical (or clinical) TB diagnosis—diagnosis without microbiological confirmation—becomes critical. However, empirical diagnosis is often inconsistent, lacks standardization, and may not be routinely performed by midlevel clinicians who frequently staff these clinics. Furthermore, it often poorly correlates with microbiological results, leading to inappropriate treatment.[1]

A common clinical scenario in these settings involves patients with presumptive TB who are unlikely to receive same-day radiological or microbiological test results. Delaying treatment in these cases risks losing patients to follow-up, highlighting the need for immediate yet accurate decision-making tools. Unfortunately, most predictive models for active TB rely on resources—such as radiology, laboratory tests, or computerized calculations—that are unavailable in such clinics.[1]

To address this gap, a simple clinical risk score has been developed using easily accessible patient data. This score incorporates six predictors strongly associated with TB:[1]

  1. Male sex
  2. Age between 25 and 44 years
  3. HIV positivity (based on clinical registers or self-reporting)
  4. Presence of specific WHO-defined TB symptoms (cough, fever, night sweats, or weight loss exceeding 5 kg)
  5. Duration of TB symptoms lasting more than two weeks
  6. Self-reported history of diabetes

The score ranges from 1 to 10, is easy to calculate manually, and relies on information readily available during routine clinical visits. Despite its simplicity, the score demonstrated reasonable predictive accuracy, including in external validation studies. Its use adds clinical utility by enabling immediate diagnosis in patients where the benefits of initiating treatment outweigh the risks of a false-positive diagnosis. This straightforward approach offers a practical solution for settings where delays in diagnosis could lead to missed opportunities for treatment, ultimately improving outcomes in high-risk populations.[1]

Prompt identification of presumptive tuberculosis (TB) cases remains a significant challenge, often leading to delays in diagnosis and treatment. Research efforts have aimed to develop models that utilize clinical predictors such as patient history, physical examination findings, and chest radiography (CXR) to estimate the probability of pulmonary TB (PTB). Advanced imaging technologies were intentionally excluded from these studies due to their limited availability in high TB burden, low-resource settings, where such innovations are not practical.[2]

To ensure consistency, studies focused on specific outpatient populations, excluding settings such as inpatient care and certain subgroups like TB contacts, pregnant women, and drug users, to reduce variability. Out of numerous investigations, only six met the stringent criteria for developing and validating models that improve PTB detection. These models incorporated additional clinical factors such as CD4 count, body mass index (BMI), and the duration of antiretroviral therapy (ART), highlighting their relevance in co-infected populations.[2]

One significant finding was the enhanced sensitivity of TB detection when the tuberculin skin test (TST) was added to the WHO-recommended symptom screen. This underscores the potential of augmenting existing screening protocols with additional tools. Furthermore, these studies underscored the importance of creating clinical scores using various predictors to facilitate effective screening in routine practice, particularly in resource-limited settings.[2]

By integrating supplementary clinical data into the diagnostic process, these models showed promise in improving diagnostic accuracy over the standard WHO symptom screen. This approach also highlighted the pressing need for a low-cost, easy-to-use TB risk score tailored to the realities of high-burden, resource-constrained settings. However, due to the absence of superior alternatives, reliance on the WHO symptom screen remains the norm in many such environments. These findings emphasize the critical role of innovative, accessible tools in transforming TB screening and reducing delays in care.[2]


[1] Baik, Y., Rickman, H.M., Hanrahan, C.F., Mmolawa, L., Kitonsa, P.J., Sewelana, T., Nalutaaya, A., Kendall, E.A., Lebina, L., Martinson, N. and Katamba, A., 2020. A clinical score for identifying active tuberculosis while awaiting microbiological results: development and validation of a multivariable prediction model in sub-Saharan Africa. PLoS medicine, 17(11), p.e1003420.

[2] Van Wyk, S.S., Lin, H.H. and Claassens, M.M., 2017. A systematic review of prediction models for prevalent pulmonary tuberculosis in adults. The International Journal of Tuberculosis and Lung Disease, 21(4), pp.405-411.

Monday, November 25, 2024

Associated phenotypic characteristics of TB infection in Africans with DM [TB0125]

Approximately 5–15% of individuals infected with MTB progress to active TB disease within the first 2–5 years. This systematic review included six studies with 721 participants, ranging from 31 in Ethiopia to 240 in Nigeria. Half of the studies (n = 3, 50%) were conducted in Eastern Africa (Ethiopia and Kenya), two (33.3%) in Western Africa (Nigeria), and one (16.7%) in Northern Africa (Egypt).

Most studies recruited small sample sizes and provided limited data on participants' phenotypic characteristics. Two studies were conference proceedings with no full-text access, limiting details on participants' sociodemographic, anthropometric, and metabolic profiles. All studies were conducted in tertiary healthcare facilities, which may introduce bias in estimating the prevalence of TBI among individuals with DM.

Significant heterogeneity was observed among the studies, warranting cautious interpretation of the pooled effect size. The presence of TBI was primarily defined using IGRA tests (QuantiFERON® Gold In-Tube or T-SPOT.TB) in all six studies (100%). Only two studies also used TST in addition to IGRA. The pooled prevalence estimates of TBI were:

  • 48% (95% CI 25–71%, I² = 98.15%, p < 0.001) using IGRA,
  • 17% (95% CI 10–33%, I² = 94.00%, p < 0.001) using TST alone.

The overall pooled prevalence of TBI in the study population was 40% (95% CI 20–60%, I² = 98.52%, p < 0.001). A high burden of TBI was reported across four adult African populations with DM. Notably, participants aged ≥40 years and those with suboptimal glycemic control (HbA1c > 7%) had increased odds of TBI in three studies.

Kibirige, D., Andia-Biraro, I., Kyazze, A.P., Olum, R., Bongomin, F., Nakavuma, R.M., Ssekamatte, P., Emoru, R., Nalubega, G., Chamba, N. and Kilonzo, K., 2023. Burden and associated phenotypic characteristics of tuberculosis infection in adult Africans with diabetes: a systematic review. Scientific Reports, 13(1), p.19894.

Sunday, November 24, 2024

Heightened risk of CVD among TB patients

Studies have highlighted the multisystem involvement of tuberculosis (TB), including its impact on the cardiovascular system through various mechanisms. These effects can lead to severe complications such as atherosclerotic lesions in coronary arteries, constrictive pericarditis, and heart failure. A meta-analysis of 10 studies involving 46,715 TB patients reported a pooled prevalence of cardiovascular disease (CVD) at 11%. This underscores the heightened risk of CVD among TB patients.[2]

Healthcare providers should prioritize assessing CVD risk in TB patients. Screening for risk factors like hypertension, diabetes, dyslipidemia, obesity, smoking, and alcohol use is crucial for early detection and intervention. Lifestyle modifications, including a healthier diet and regular exercise, can significantly reduce the prevalence of CVD in this population. Encouraging TB patients to adopt healthy habits and monitoring them for CVD development can help mitigate these risks. When necessary, timely interventions should be implemented.[2]

Given the complexity of TB and CVD, effective management often requires collaboration among various medical specialists. It is important to note that this analysis included only English-language studies, with most conducted in Asia. The absence of studies from Europe and Oceania limits the global applicability of these findings.[2]

See also:

A diagnosis of TB indicates an elevated risk of cardiovascular disease (CVD). This finding has significant implications for TB research and patient care. Physicians treating patients with active TB should consider them at higher risk for CVD. Prospective studies could explore the mechanisms leading to increased CVD risk in individuals diagnosed with TB. Additionally, TB programs and healthcare providers might consider offering cardiovascular health assessments to those with active TB, following current CVD screening guidelines.[1]

[1] Basham CA, Smith SJ, Romanowski K, Johnston JC (2020). Cardiovascular morbidity and mortality among persons diagnosed with tuberculosis: A systematic review and meta-analysis. PLoS ONE, 15(7), e0235821.
[2] Shabil, M., Bushi, G., Beig, M.A., Rais, M.A., Ahmed, M. and Padhi, B.K., 2023. Cardiovascular manifestation in tuberculosis cases: a systematic review and meta-analysis. Current Problems in Cardiology, 48(7), p.101666.

Wednesday, November 20, 2024

The cause-effect relation of TB on incidence of DM [TB0121]

1. TB and Blood Glucose Regulation

  • Impaired blood glucose tolerance can be normalized after the successful treatment of tuberculosis (TB), but it likely persists as a risk factor for developing type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM) in the future.
  • The incidence of hyperglycemia in TB patients is attributed to stress, prolonged inflammation, changes in glucose and lipid metabolism, and insulin resistance (IR) syndrome.
  • Active TB induces various immunometabolic changes, including increased inflammation, adipose tissue modulation, and elevated free fatty acid levels, leading to IR and potentially T2DM if not clinically managed.
  • The prevalence of hyperglycemia in TB patients varies between 10% and 26%, depending on factors such as age, sex, and fasting blood glucose levels.

2. Lipid Metabolism and Insulin Resistance

  • TB infection causes dysregulation of lipid metabolism, increasing circulating free fatty acid levels. This leads to ectopic lipid deposition in organs critical for glucose homeostasis, such as the liver and skeletal muscles, resulting in IR development.
  • Altered lipid metabolism during TB includes:
    • High low-density lipoprotein (LDL) cholesterol.
    • Low high-density lipoprotein (HDL) cholesterol.
    • High very low-density lipoprotein (VLDL) triglycerides.
  • Irregular lipolysis and altered lipid and glucose metabolism in adipose tissue and other organs, including the lungs, occur due to increased intracellular lipid accumulation and inflammatory milieu.

3. TB-DM/IR Co-occurrence and Impact on TB Treatment

  • TB-DM co-occurrence may adversely affect TB treatment, increasing the incidence of multi-drug resistance (MDR).
  • Dysregulated metabolic pathways and immune system alterations exacerbate clinical manifestations and disease outcomes in co-morbid TB-DM cases.

4. Immune Mechanisms in TB and DM

  • In diabetic patients, several immune defects increase susceptibility to TB, including:
    • Impaired bacterial recognition.
    • Reduced phagocytic activity and slower migration rates of macrophages and antigen-presenting cells.
    • Altered secretion of chemokines/cytokines.
    • Impaired T-cell responses.
  • These immune impairments compromise the ability to control Mycobacterium tuberculosis (Mtb), increasing Mtb load and disease pathogenicity in organs such as the lungs and liver.
  • Diabetic patients with latent TB infection (LTBI) exhibit heightened inflammatory responses, indicating that diabetes influences immune signaling to mycobacterial antigens.

5. Clinical Significance

  • The interaction between TB and DM/IR necessitates clinical management to prevent progression to T2DM and mitigate adverse outcomes of TB treatment.
  • Understanding the metabolic and immunological interplay is critical for addressing the dual burden of TB-DM in affected populations.
Source: Bisht MK, Dahiya P, Ghosh S and Mukhopadhyay S (2023) The cause-effect relation of tuberculosis on incidence of diabetes mellitus. Front. Cell. Infect. Microbiol. 13:1134036. doi: 10.3389/fcimb.2023.1134036


Tuesday, November 19, 2024

Diabetes-Associated Susceptibility to Tuberculosis [TB0120]

Diabetes and TB Risk:
It is unclear whether diabetes increases the risk of active TB more significantly in overweight/obese individuals than in those who are underweight or have low BMI, especially in Asian populations where T2D develops at lower BMI levels.
The distinction between newly diagnosed T2D requiring clinical management and transient stress hyperglycemia during TB treatment is critical.

TB and Diabetes Development:
While a history of TB is associated with a higher risk of developing T2D, the causal relationship remains inconclusive.

Cholesterol and TB:
Elevated cholesterol may have a protective role against TB. A large South Korean study found that low total cholesterol levels were associated with a higher TB risk, though this relationship weakened in individuals with T2D, obesity, or statin use.
Active TB patients typically have lower cholesterol levels due to disease-related wasting. However, higher cholesterol among TB patients correlates with reduced disease severity, with HDL and LDL inversely associated with the radiological extent of TB.

Lipid Profiles and TB Treatment Outcomes:
Elevated triglycerides are linked to poorer TB treatment outcomes. Lower cholesteryl ester concentrations are associated with treatment failure, with specific esters predictive of outcomes.
Cholesterol plays a role in TB pathogenesis, as it aids macrophage phagocytosis of Mycobacterium tuberculosis (Mtb). Elevated total cholesterol can increase oxidized cholesterol forms, enhancing phagocytosis and reducing Mtb growth in monocytes.

Source: Ngo, M.D.; Bartlett, S.; Ronacher, K. Diabetes-Associated Susceptibility to Tuberculosis: Contribution of Hyperglycemia vs. Dyslipidemia. Microorganisms 2021, 9, 2282. microorganisms9112282

Friday, November 15, 2024

Community-based active case finding for tuberculosis [TB0118]

Despite advancements in TB diagnostics, approximately 4 million patients—nearly 40%—remain undiagnosed or unreported globally. The majority of these individuals reside in periurban informal settlements in large cities across Africa and Asia. Detecting and treating these "missing" patients is critical for TB control, as they act as potential reservoirs for the transmission of drug-sensitive and drug-resistant strains of Mycobacterium tuberculosis.

Modeling studies suggest that reducing TB transmission, disease burden, and mortality requires community-based active case finding (ACF)—where healthcare workers proactively seek, identify, and test patients for TB in the community—rather than passive case finding, which relies on patients self-presenting at healthcare facilities. Passive case finding typically identifies cases only after significant transmission has already occurred.

Several ACF approaches are used in high-prevalence settings, including:

  • Targeted screening of high-risk groups, such as close contacts of TB index cases.
  • Community-based door-to-door screening.
  • Community-based screening using mobile units or clinics.

Door-to-door ACF, utilizing laboratory-based molecular tools like the Cepheid GeneXpert system, has demonstrated a positive impact on disease burden in the wider community. However, this method is labor-intensive and often cost-prohibitive in resource-limited settings. Studies conducted before the widespread availability of automated molecular diagnostic tools showed that both door-to-door and mobile unit-based screening strategies effectively reduced disease burden at the community level, with mobile units proving more efficient.

An innovative ACF strategy involving a mini-mobile clinic has shown promise. This scalable intervention uses a low-cost minivan and a portable, battery-operated Xpert system (the XACT model). It was not only feasible but also successful in detecting the majority of infectious TB cases, including those who did not self-report to healthcare facilities. Notably:

  • The number of at-risk individuals (e.g., those with TB symptoms or HIV-positive) needing to be screened to detect one active TB case was 18 for Xpert compared to 99 for smear microscopy.
  • Point-of-care (POC) Xpert detected a higher proportion of culture-positive TB patients and significantly reduced the time to treatment initiation, compared to same-day smear microscopy conducted at nearby microscopy centers (within a 5-km radius).

Overall, mobile, point-of-care strategies like the XACT model represent a practical and impactful solution to addressing the global burden of undiagnosed TB.

Source: Esmail, A., Randall, P., Oelofse, S. et al. Comparison of two diagnostic intervention packages for community-based active case finding for tuberculosis: an open-label randomized controlled trial. Nat Med 29, 1009–1016 (2023).

Wednesday, November 13, 2024

Tuberculosis in Spain [TB0116]

·  2021 TB Cases in Spain

  • Total reported cases: 3,754 (151 were imported).
  • Non-imported cases: 3,603, with a notification rate (NR) of 7.61 per 100,000.
  • Decline in cases:
    • 2.18% decrease compared to 2020 (3,686 cases, NR = 7.78).
    • 28.07% decrease compared to 2015 (4,913 cases, NR = 10.59).
  • Spain classified as low-incidence for TB.

·  TB Control and Prevention Goals (Achieved in 2020)

  • Goal 1: Reduce overall TB rate by 15%-21% from 2015 levels.
    • Achieved reduction: 26.5%.
  • Goal 2: Reduce annual pulmonary TB rate by 4% (2015-2020).
    • Achieved reduction: 6%.

·  Regions with Highest and Lowest TB Notification Rates (2021)

  • Highest NR: Ceuta, Galicia, Catalonia, Rioja, and the Basque Country.
  • Lowest NR: Canary Islands, Castilla La Mancha, Extremadura, and Navarre.

·  Demographics and Mortality

  • Higher incidence in men than women (rate ratio 1.7).
  • TB incidence similar across ages 25-84.
  • Nearly half of TB cases were among foreign-born individuals, with a younger mean age than native-born cases.
  • Mortality rate 2.6 times higher in males than females.

·  Risk Factors and Origin of Foreign-Born TB Cases

  • Primary risk factor: origin from countries with high TB incidence.
  • Top countries of origin in registry: Morocco, Romania, Bolivia, Peru, and Pakistan.
  • Average age of foreign-born cases: 39 years.
  • More than half resided in Spain for over 10 years; only 13% had lived in Spain for less than 2 years.

·  Directly Observed Therapy (DOT) Implementation in Spain

  • Slow implementation, typically for patients with higher risk of non-adherence.
  • Adaptable guidelines for DOT (e.g., non-daily supervision, allowances for weekends, holidays, short trips).

Source: Guillén, S.M., et al., 2023. Tuberculosis in Spain: An opinion paper. Rev Esp Quimioter, 36(6), pp.562-583.


Metformin use and tuberculosis

Metformin shows potential as a supportive therapy for tuberculosis (TB), especially in diabetic patients. It may help limit the growth of My...